11th October 2017

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce

4 Sectors

150+ Participants

About Investment Seminar

Our objective is to increase activities of some specific sectors in Czech Republic by gathering relevant companies from Turkey to give them in-depth sector-specific information and point out that Czech Republic is an attractive location for investment in research and development.


Investment Seminar Media

Opening Speech of Aleš Eppinger, President of Czech – Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce 

Investment Seminar Presentations

General Overview of Czech Republic
Czech Republic Nanotechnology Sector
Czech Republic Software and Informatics Sector
Czech Republic Automotive Sector
Czech Republic Aerospace Sector
Czech –  Turkish Chamber of Commerce

Target Sectors

Automotive Sector

The Czech automotive sector hosts one of the highest concentrations of manufacturing and design activity in the world. The automotive centre of excellence plays a key role not only in the European but also in the global perspective. Based on the country’s century-long engineering tradition, good infrastructure and skilled workforce, it significantly contributes to automotive manufacturing and R&D.

Aerospace Sector

The Czech Republic has a long aviation tradition and has always had a strong presence in the aerospace sector. Over the years the country has made a name for itself based on outstanding quality, reliability and innovation in the industry. From basic production to final aircraft assembly and cutting-edge research and development programmes, the local aerospace industry has progressed significantly and simply cannot be overlooked.

Nanotechnology Sector

The dynamically developing nanotechnology sector is penetrating a full range of various fields. In the Czech Republic, this primarily involves the automotive, aviation, textile and chemical industries, which have a strong tradition and most to gain from the use of nanotechnology. Thus, the Czech Republic has become one of the global powerhouses in the nanotechnology sector.

IT & Software Development Sector

The Czech Republic is one of Europe’s top locations for ICT investments. Repeatedly recognised by various researchers, this fact is confirmed by the strong inflow of high-value- added projects of the world’s top ICT companies and is fueled by the country’s tradition of excellence in technical fields.

Supported Areas

Manufacturing Industry

Technology Centres

 Business Support Services Centres

Investment Incentives


Corporate income-tax relief for a period of ten years


Cash grants for retraining and training new employees


Cash grants for job creation


Cash grants for acquisition of assets – only for strategic investments


Property-tax exemption for a period of five years


Aleš Eppinger

Aleš Eppinger

President, Czech-Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce

Aleš Eppinger is attorney at law since 2005 and has been serving as the President of the Czech Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce since 2011.
Aleš Eppinger graduated from the Faculty of Law at Palacký University in Olomouc in 2001.
He mainly specialized in Business Law, Property Law, acquisitions, insolvency law, judicial and arbitration proceedings. During his professional career, Aleš has been involved in many international transactions, including important cross-border acquisitions by multinationals, the complex restructuring of important holdings and also in international arbitration. Furthermore, Aleš provided important banks, engineering and energy companies with legal services in particular in business law matters.
Alper Özmert

Alper Özmert

Vice President, Czech-Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce

Alper Özmert has been admitted to the İstanbul Bar Association in 2003 and Czech Bar Association (as the first Turkish lawyer) in 2016. Alper Özmert has been serving as the Vice President at the Czech Turkish Joint chamber of Commerce since 2011.

Alper Özmert graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Law. He has an LL.M. degree from University of Minnesota Law School- U.S.A. in international business law in 2010.He mainly specialized in international business law, international trade, FDI, Mergers and Acquisitions, contracts law, financial law, employment law, copyright and IP law, entertainment law and commercial litigation. During his professional career of 15 years, Alper provided services mainly to multi-national clients, in particular, involved in numerous international transactions, among others, cross-border mergers & acquisitions and gave numerous seminars to his clients and in international organizations in his area of practice. He also played a substantial role for the drafting of the secondary legislation on factoring companies and Association of Financial Institutions in Turkey.

Yalın Yüregil

Yalın Yüregil

Member of Board, Czech-Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce

Living in Prague for ten years, Yalın Yüregil established his own business development agency in 2012. He has established and developed companies for both Turkish and foreign investors in different cities in Europe and expanded many Turkish companies into the Czech Republic. Since 2014, Yalın Yüregil has been a member of Chamber’s Board and supporting Czech companies’ expansion into Turkey.  

MBA graduate Yalın Yüregil started his career as a Country Manager in AIESEC Turkey which is followed by being Business Development Manager in POS Media Europe Prague branch where he established four branches in different countries. Besides business, he takes initiatives to promote Turkish culture in the Czech Republic.

Richard Schneider

Richard Schneider

Investment Development Manager for Automotive & Green Mobility, CzechInvest

At CzechInvest we have created a team of professionals from different fields whose mission is to help automotive companies from all around the world when investigating their investment and business opportunities in the Czech Republic as a place where the automotive manufacturing, development, engineering and testing have a long tradition.

Before joining CzechInvest, Richard Schneider worked at purchasing of Škoda Auto and different marketing positions.

Petr Heczko

Petr Heczko

Director of Investment Development Department, CzechInvest

Petr Heczko joined CzechInvest in 2011 and prior to heading the Investment Development Department, he worked in the Information Shared Section and as a Foreign Representative for Scandinavia.

The Investment Development Department of CzechInvest is aimed at attracting new investment projects into the Czech Republic by identifying, attracting and assisting foreign companies in setting up in the Czech Republic.

Contact us for Further Information About
Investment Seminar!

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